Looking back on 2014


Today is January 1st, 2014, the perfect time for New Year’s resolutions.

Personally, I’m not a plan of resolutions.

A resolution is something that you don’t do, but would like to talk about doing. That is why you hear everyone talk about them (and maybe even stick to them) for a few weeks, and then they fall off of the wagon.

A big problem with resolutions is that they look forward. Looking forward is difficult. The future is cloudy and fraught with uncertainties. How can we guarantee anything? In the face of uncertainty, at the very least, we can make a wish and hope that things pan out. That is how resolutions are. Resolutions are like making a wish.

It is always easier to look back. Once we have reached a point, we can simply turn around and see the path we took to reach that point. There is no uncertainty. There is just cause and effect.

We can use this observation to improve our resolutions. Instead of looking forward, let us take a look back on 2014.

If you were to look back on 2014, what would it be like? What would you like to be proud of in 2014? What would your personal life be like? What about career, or social life? How will you have grown in 2014?

Once you know the answers to these questions, there aren’t any more uncertainties. You can look back and figure out what you need to do.

If you need to pick up something new, do it.

If you need to quit something, do it.

If you need to stay on the same path, do it.

Sound good?

P.S. This is post number #96 in a 100 day blogging challenge. See you tomorrow!

Follow me on Twitter @alexshye.

Or, check out my current project Soulmix.

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